Travel Bosnia: We were in paradise

Travel Bosnia: We were in paradise

By Travel Bosnia I mean Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Raj u raju #slatkiparadajz #rajuraju

If you want to spend a nice day out of the city and everyday life with your loved and dear ones, then “paradise in paradise” is an ideal destination.

We had one very simple and undemanding trip away circa one hour drive from Sarajevo and the same distance from Mostar. As I said in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Enjoying the Herzegovinian sun and the Bosnian nature is complemented by colorful cottages, interesting streets beautiful crystal clear river and most important playground for children. Yes, the playground for children with two slides, tower, stairs, seesaws, and now not to mention, all wrapped to look like it is on board a big ship.


A variety of interesting and funny details shined light on our grim faces and removed the drab and a large part of the worries that we brought with us. And of course “kahva”!  Kahva=Bosnian coffe

Bosanska kafa u Raj u Raju #rajuraju #kafa #kahva #bosanska #konjic #slatkiparadajz #sweetparadise #paradiseinparadise

From the driveway to the parking lot or as they called it there “Market of Ivica Osim Švabo” where we were met with a red Fićo (Zastava 750, old Yugoslav car) with Bosnia and Herzegovina flag on the hood and roof, with the “SA” license plate ( Sarajevo license plate in former Yugoslavia ), looks relatively shabby with torn seats . My first reaction upon arriving at the parking lot was “woooothfaaaaaa” in a positive way.

Raj u raju #slatkiparadajz #rajuraju

Tose Proeski, Kemal Monteno, Edin Dzeko, Himze Polovine, Miralem Pjanjića, Srdjan Aleksic are just some of the local ineresting names for Chambers, gardens and streets.

Raj u raju #slatkiparadajz #rajuraju

Masjid Kenanbega Becirovic, old Bosnian commodes, cabinets and Bosnian rugs equally draw attention as the local village jail, Why jail ? You may ask, because “jail” in Bosnian is “zatvor” witch is a homonym and the other meaning is “constipation”. And I forgot to ask whether it is a correctional prison or constipation.

Raj u raju #slatkiparadajz #rajuraju

Much of this has to be seen, a trip worth every penny. And for more pictures see our album on Flickr .

If this post does not make mutch sense to you, thank google translate.

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